On changing with the trees
When change is coming
The trees tell you what to do
When change is beginning
You start to feel a little different
You look the same
But what’s inside you is shifting
Like chlorophyll in your veins
You alternate
Between shining a little brighter
And falling into darkness
One day your leaves are bright yellow
The next day dark brown
You drop the things that no longer serve you
That you can’t take with you into this next version of you
And like dead leaves they fall to the ground
And you march into the next days tall but simplified
Feeling a little naked like a bare oak
But really just more free
Standing tall
And more you
So that when this change is complete
It’s easier to withstand the storms and the snow
You’re stronger to persevere
You’re only carrying exactly what you need
And not a bit more
And it’s clear to the world
And more importantly to yourself
Exactly who you are
And where you stand
In this new season