Based in Lancaster, PA, Trish Marburger is using her time and words to empower others to explore Courage, Grace, Imperfection, and health with a Foundation of Honesty and Authenticity.

On the people who live on in our hearts

On the people who live on in our hearts

Sometimes at night I dream about past loves

People my heart attached to for a season 

Like my heart is wandering

It has a photographic memory of those it shared space with for a while

Like part of them is still in there

And it’s calling them back to me just to remember 

I wonder if in a perfect world 

I could just sit side by side with each of them for a moment 

And just smile at the collective memories 

Of who we were at that exact time 

About what brought our hearts together

And what led them apart

On changing with the trees

On changing with the trees

On back to school

On back to school