Based in Lancaster, PA, Trish Marburger is using her time and words to empower others to explore Courage, Grace, Imperfection, and health with a Foundation of Honesty and Authenticity.

On the good in this season

On the good in this season

Dear Mommas

This season is good too

This morning I walked to the bus stop by myself

My boys were way ahead of me

They’ll beat me to the corner

And walking through the sidewalk dusted with leaves

I remembered Kindergarten them

How they would walk beside me in that season

Hold my hand

Talking non-stop

With their little feet

And the clothes I picked out for them

That I helped them put on

Those little sweet faces that I wiped the morning jelly off of

How their little squeaky voice called me mommy

“Good-bye, Mommy!  Love you!”

As they rushed onto the bus so eager

It’s a stark contrast to this season

But just because those sweet moments don’t happen the same

Doesn’t mean there aren’t still sweet moments

I miss the sweet moments with those baby-faced 5 year-olds

But I’m not sad for them

Like mornings like these can trick me into thinking I am

This season’s sweetness looks a lot different from that season

It’s true

But every season has it’s own unique joys

I just have to train myself to find it

So that’s what I do this morning on my walk

Enjoy them understanding my sarcasm

Caring for others

Building friendships

In monochromatic “matching” outfits they put together 

And every hug for me that they initiate before they saunter onto the bus

“Bye, Mom.”

This season is good too

On becoming more like the trees

On becoming more like the trees

On the power of today

On the power of today