Based in Lancaster, PA, Trish Marburger is using her time and words to empower others to explore Courage, Grace, Imperfection, and health with a Foundation of Honesty and Authenticity.

On opposites

On opposites

Maybe opposites are only things outside our experience

Maybe they only exist at first glance

At snap judgment

At the superficial

Maybe experience

Maybe relationship

Maybe time

Maybe a shared journey

Can make an opposite feel same

Feel near

Feel close

Feel not so different after all

Can we stop seeing opposites as enemies

as disconnected

as different

as opposing

as fuel for fire

Instead can we see them as connected

Understand the other

Because of experiencing one

See one as beautiful

Because of its relationship with the other

Can we see opposites as close 

instead of distanced

Instead of at odds

Instead of at war

One way instead of the other way

One person instead of an issue

Both and instead of either or

Have you ever experienced a loud silence

Or felt oddly strong in your softness

Or loved someone so different

And realized the opposite was not so opposite after all


On giving help

On giving help

On seeing

On seeing