Based in Lancaster, PA, Trish Marburger is using her time and words to empower others to explore Courage, Grace, Imperfection, and health with a Foundation of Honesty and Authenticity.

On being still

On being still

In a world where busy equals important

And important equals status

‘Still’ is an unpopular choice

In a culture where climbing the ladder is king

But what you become rung by rung isn’t considered

‘Still’ looks a lot like not measuring up

In a time when the number of things on your to-do list

Trumps the meaning of those things listed

‘Still’ is not a good use of your time

In a season when thoughts are heavy

And the conclusions that may come are intimidating

‘Still’ is not simple

In an environment where background noise is deafening

Where the volume keeps you distracted

‘Still’ is painfully quiet

In a place filled with people at an arm’s distance

Who are talking, emoting, voicing opinions, hustling

‘Still’ is lonely

But let’s all be still


On poverty

On poverty

On finding the path

On finding the path