Based in Lancaster, PA, Trish Marburger is using her time and words to empower others to explore Courage, Grace, Imperfection, and health with a Foundation of Honesty and Authenticity.

On a journey

On a journey

Today I chose my bed over the gym...then I chose cheeseburgers for dinner


I’m not the model of health

I don’t walk out wellness perfectly

I don’t know everything there is to know about chemistry, medicine, physiology

But I’m on a journey

I want to get better

I want to learn more

I want to be healthy...-er


We are given this one body

I want to treat it well

And big picture:

I was given 3 additional tiny bodies to care for in this season

Honestly they started me on this journey

Because if it disgusts me to let a McDonald’s fry enter their new, small, pure body

Shouldn’t it bother me to let that fry enter my body too

So caring for them began to inspire me to care for myself better

No double standards

No blind eyes

No ignoring myself

The further challenge

(It’s always more complex than it seems at first, amiright?!)

If I care what goes in our mouths

Shouldn’t I also care what goes in our lungs, our skin

I want a healthier way

A more care-full way

I’m trying to find it

Not just the loudest way

Not the most popular way

But the care-full way

To honor the body and bodies I’ve been entrusted to care for

On stillness

On stillness

On looking

On looking